
Riva 1920 Brie Bookshelf 250 cm

Available in 2-3 months

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Brieis the Bookshelfdesignedby designerMarcSadlerforthebrandRiva1920Contemporary style withlongshelvesinsolid walnutsupported bystructural elementsinnaturalcolored iron lamina.Inspiredraw,libraryBrieemphasizesthe beauty ofsolid walnutshelves,leftwithnatural edges,as opposedtocastingandironstructure.The vertical elementsthat form the structureof the library,arein factmade of sheetironnatural colorlacqueredtransparentand opposeeffectivelyto thenatural look of wood, making thepiece of furniturefascinatingand extremelycontemporary.


L. 250/300 cm - P. 45 cm - H. 216,5 cm

*Note: The price of this product can vary due to multiple factors like materials (wood, fabric, etc.), dimensions, and finishes, request a quotation for this product today.

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